The Promise
I am a person of my word. I never over commit myself, and I know my limitations. I never make promises I do not intend to keep. People know that they can depend on me to keep my word. That is important to me because I know I am only as good as my word.
I know not everyone thinks this way. I will assume that someone in your life has disappointed you when they failed to keep their word. They promised to be there for you, to do a task for you, to care for your child, to lend money to you, to give you a ride…and they failed to show up for you. It is an awful feeling when they break their promise. That is so disheartening.
The last several months have been difficult for me. I have been away from the keyboard and have not posted anything for some time. Life has been rough for me. From dealing with the overwhelming grief of the sudden death of my brother, sorrow, a long-term illness, and the sudden death of my dog, yes, life has been a challenge. Through every situation I encountered, there has been someone with me who promised to be there for me, no matter what happens to me. His name is Jesus Christ. He has been with me every step of the rough road, and He will never abandon me; He loves me without measure and I am very grateful to Him for His goodness to me even or especially during the dark days. He is a promiser keeper.
God, the Father, is also a promise keeper. All through the Old Testament in the Bible we read about the promises the Lord made when He told us that He would send a redeemer, a Savior to us. Although there are many years from the last book of the Old Testament to the first book of the New Testament, when the time was right, God fulfilled His promise to us and sent His Son, Jesus to the world. In the book of Galatians, chapter four, verse four, we read, “When the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son.” God fulfilled His promise right on time, not early, not late, but right on time. Jesus was born so that one day, He would die for the sin of the world, and rise from the grave as He conquered sin, death, and hell for us. For all of us, which includes me and you.
It is so wonderful to rest in the promises of the Lord. He can never lie to us and He gave us His Word to send Jesus. In the book of Romans, we read that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Whosoever, that means me and you. We are all sinners in need of the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you know Him? Have you called on His name to save you? If you already know Him then rejoice in the good news! If you have never called on the name of Jesus to save you, then do it today for today is the day of salvation! Call out to Him today, do it now, before it is too late for you. God so loved the world that He gave us His Son Jesus to be our Savior. No one in life will ever love you more than the Lord. Come as you are to Him, He will never reject you, and the good news is that He will change your heart so that you can live a new and victorious life in Him.