
The Enemy Lost the Battle

One afternoon, I went to a big-box store. It was the first time I visited this location, and there were lots of people and although I did not feel my best, I became over stimulated by all the activity in the store.  The layout of this store is different than the location close to my home and for a moment I had to figure out where I was heading.  Suddenly, I had to slowly push the shopping cart into an empty aisle in the middle of the large store.  I felt as if my thoughts were racing and my breathing was off track, and I was completely overwhelmed. I did not feel well, I was in a new location with too  many people, bright lights, and my stress level increased and then I knew, I was on the onset of an anxiety attack.

As I stood clinging to the shopping cart, I prayed. I asked the Lord to remove all the anxiety, I asked Him to clear my mind of anxious thoughts, and restore my breathing and my joy.  I did the 5,6,7 breathing exercise as I prayed. I recalled the words to the praise song, Eye of the Storm, by Ryan Stevenson., and I sang the words quietly: “I find my peace in Jesus’ name. In the eye of the storm, you remain in control, In the middle of the war, you guard my soul. You alone are the anchor when my sails are torn. Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm.”

After a few minutes of praying and singing, I rolled the shopping cart to the check out line and paid for my items and was happy to be outside as I walked to the car. It was a short drive home and I let out the dogs and I unloaded the car.  Thank God, He rescued me from the battle in the storm of anxiety.  A few weeks prior to that shopping trip, my older brother died suddenly.  He was in the hospital for a routine illness and sadly, he was given a drug which caused irreversible damage and he died.  By the grace of God,  the Lord provided the strength I needed to get through the initial shock and I was able to attend my brother’s funeral. However, once home, I faced the overwhelming struggle of loss.  I had never experienced an anxiety attack, and I know the enemy brought anxious thoughts to my mind to cause me to doubt in the Lord. Happy to say, he lost that battle, because when I realized what was happening, I immediately prayed.  Prayer is powerful, and I am glad I also remembered the words to the song, Eye of the Storm, because it was a powerful reminder that no matter what comes my way, no matter how hard the enemy is work against me, I have a God who is greater, far greater than the enemy.

Do you ever experience anxiety?  Is the enemy hard at work to destroy you?  Please know that you do not have to fall victim to the enemy’s attempt to destroy you.  Place your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and believe that He is the One who provides salvation by His death and resurrection from the grave.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If you would like to learn more about Lord, and the 5, 6, 7 breathing exercise along with other ways to overcome anxiety, be sure to grab a copy of #No Fear.

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